Another Cent Saved keeping it frugal Tue, 03 Jul 2018 06:44:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Another Cent Saved 32 32 10 uses for Dental Floss (Tips and Tricks) Tue, 03 Jul 2018 06:11:49 +0000 Having our own Tips and Tricks that we use in our homes definitely makes our lives easier. Sharing them makes all of us better

One of my favorite tips that I use all the time in my home is: Dental Floss! Not just for flossing teeth anymore.

We usually score Dental Floss free with our coupons. So it’s nice when we can re-purpose uses.

I just pull of a few inches, wrap around my fingers and use it.

Some of my favorite uses are…

  1. Slicing butter or soft cheeses.
  2. Cutting cookie dough rolls cleanly without any squishing you get from knives.
  3. Cut cake layers. I’ve done up to 6 layers beautifully
  4. Cut any loaf of bread, Especially great for Banana Bread
  5. Unwaxed dental floss can also be used to to tie up roasts. I even use it to tie bacon on steaks.
  6. Slice boiled eggs and cranberry sauce
  7. Herb stringing. I hang my herbs to dry and use dental floss to also string them.
  8. Popcorn garland at Holiday Time or just to feed the birds
  9. As a holder for plants. Some of my houseplants are just to delicate for harsh rope. I also like its almost invisible, not bulky!
  10. Tie up bags.

Do you have a Hint or Tip for Dental floss that you use?? Drop us a line or leave a comment ~ We would love to hear from you

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The Best Recipes for Chicken Wings Wed, 27 Jun 2018 00:46:46 +0000 Chicken wings are ingredients which can be made into various tasty foods. Many cooks have made many great recipes for chicken wings that will surely make every person droll when they face the chicken wing cooking. I believe, for some people who have not experienced, cooking chicken wings is rather hard as we face thin meats and big bones in the wings. For those people who are confused, I will help you out of that misery by giving you the chicken wing recipes. These recipes are considered as the best among the rest because the taste and the advantages of these cooking will provide the finest result in chicken wings food.

Spicy Ginger Chicken Wings

Do you love to have spicy and sweet taste in your recipes for chicken wings? If you do, you can get these spicy ginger chicken wings as your cook for chicken wings. The taste will bring wonderful impression to your tongue and you will not doubt to pass the story of its greatness to other people. For making this recipe, here, you need to prepare some important ingredients. The ingredients are 3 pounds of chicken wings, two beaten eggs, a cup of margarine, all-purpose flour, and brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of MSG, a half teaspoon of salt, a half cup of apple cider vinegar, three tablespoon of soy sauce and water, three Serrano minced chile peppers, two tablespoon of grated fresh ginger and toasted sesame seeds.

To start the cooking process, you need to heat up your oven up to 350 degrees F. Then, you can continue by blotting the chicken wings till dry with paper towel. When you have dried the wings, now, you can continue with enveloping the wings with flour. You need to prepare the beaten eggs and dip the wings for while in the eggs. Then, you continue put the dipped wings in the flour to coat the wings with flour. Then the next steps in recipes for chicken wings are frying the chicken using the margarine which has been melted in the frying pan for about 10 minutes.

While you are waiting for the chicken, it is time for you to make the sauce. To make the sauce, you boil the soy sauce, water, brown sugar, cider vinegar, ginger, Serrano chile peppers, salt, and monosodium glutamates lightly. The common recipes for chicken wings will take for up to 7 minutes for making the sauce have well taste. Then, as you have fried the wings, you continue with dipping the fried chicken in the sauce and then put the wings in the oven for about 30 minutes. Once it is done, you can add sauce again and put some sesame seeds over it.

Garlic and Parmesan Chicken Wings

As we have got recipes for chicken wings for spicy one, let us move to the salty recipe now. Here, the taste of the chicken wing recipe will be more crunchy and pleasing as you do not have to feel hot or other challenging taste when you are eating. The recipes of chicken wings that we will have now are the most favorable one. The preparation that you need to make is cooking spray, a teaspoon of dried oregano, dried thyme, and dried rosemary, three quarts of cold water, 1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar, a quarter cup of salt, 1 pinch of salt, 1 bay leaf, eight cloves garlic which has been minced, three tablespoon of olive oil, 2 teaspoon of red pepper flakes, 2 tablespoon of bread crumbs, and a cup of grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese which is divided.

For making these recipes for chicken wings, you can start by heating the oven up to 450 degrees. Then, you can add vinegar, salt, bay leaf, oregano, thyme, and rosemary in a large pot and then boil it and after a few minutes when the mixture is boiled, you add the chicken wings for about 15 minutes and then take it again and leave it dry for 15 minutes again. The last step, you need to mash the garlic and pinch of salt and then, mix those garlic and salt with the olive oil, red pepper flakes, and black pepper.

Now, for the last touch, you need to make to add the cheese in the recipes for chicken wings. You can sprinkle the cheese that you get. After that, you know get the time to bake the chicken wings and it lasts for about 25 five minutes.

Teriyaki Chicken Wings

For the last recipes for chicken wings, I will describe about the Teriyaki Chicken Wings. We will add a Japanese taste here. Here, you need to prepare a cup of water, white sugar, and soy sauce, a quarter cup of vegetable oil and pineapple juice, a tablespoon of minced fresh ginger and minced fresh garlic and three pounds of chicken wings for sure.

To start the recipes for chicken wings, you need to make a marinade with the water, sugar, juice, garlic, ginger, and vegetable oil that you have prepare using whisker. When you have done it, it is time for you to coat the chicken with the marinade and then put the chicken inside refrigerator for about one hour or more. When you are waiting for the marinade for well enveloping the chicken, you can heat your oven up to 350 degrees F. Once you have done with heating, you can grease the dishes that will be used for baking.

After you put the chicken for one hour in the marinade, now, it is time for you to bake the chicken. As you have prepared the greased dishes, put the chicken wings in the dishes but you need to make sure that there is no spilling marinade in the dishes. Here, once the baking process happens, you better known about the time when the chicken wings are cooked. The baking time in the common process will be up to 1 hour or more. The easy way to find out whether the chicken wings are cooked is the evenly browned color around the chicken. You see that these recipes for chicken wings are easy.

Now, it is time for you to decide which recipes for chicken wings that you love most. If you are still confused, you can use these best recipes for chicken wings interchangeably in the whole weeks that you have. It will surely provide you fine amusements as you do not have to consume similar things over and over. The taste and the nutrition of the following recipes are superior and reliable so you better do the following recipes.

Description: recipes for chicken wings which are recommended for everyone are the spicy ginger chicken wings, garlic and parmesan chicken wings, and teriyaki chicken wings.

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How to Teach Modern Values to Children Today Wed, 20 Jun 2018 00:17:55 +0000 If you sat down with your parents and asked them about the values instilled in them at an early age, they’d probably look a little different to what you have in mind for your own kids. Modern parenting, while similar in many ways, has changed over time and continues to change as society does.

In past generations, there was little questioning of the ‘wisdom of elders’. A past conception of children was often they should be ‘seen and not heard’. Children were taught to be respectful and not interrupt unless it was an emergency, and that social awareness was crucial to a happy family life.

Skip ahead some years, to your grandparent’s generation, and children were given a bit more of a voice. They were still taught to respect their peers, teachers and elders, but they were also taught to respect for all, including themselves. In other words, children were taught their opinions were valued, but only when expressed in an appropriate time and fashion.

Other values instilled at this time included:



Children were applauded for telling the truth, even when punishment was imminent. Parents had responsibility in seeing this happened, by always taking the time to listen for an explanation.



Children model their parents’ behaviour and by watching  others, they were taught to use “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me” and “you’re welcome.” Social etiquette was a big thing.


Hard work

Responsibility and the will to work hard was considered the recipe for happiness. When you achieve your goals and feel fulfilled, your life has meaning and ultimately you are happy.



The principles of self-reliance were thought to help children manage their emotions and behaviour. They were taught early that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s important to take responsibility for certain actions.

Yesteryear’s education was considered “wholesome”, catering for the complete individual. It aimed at creating a whole human who would be fully prepared to overcome all of life’s challenges. Education centred on ethics and morality, manners, household coordination and subordination, learning good behaviour and the cardinal virtues of life. Was this right, or wrong?


Today’s values

The idea of instilling values is still ever present for most parents these days, but they are a little altered based on what we’ve learnt. Honesty, courtesy, respect, hard work, and self-reliance are still there, but life may not be centred around these values like they once were. Today’s big ones include:



Teaching your child to be thankful each day, even for the little things like a sandwich or a smile, is a gentle reminder life is a blessing we mustn’t take for granted. Children need to understand and sympathise with the fact not everyone has food, shelter, friends, nice clothes and toys like they do.



Part of recognising gratitude is recognising generosity, too. The importance of sharing will not only help your child interact with others at school, it will help them build a fairer world in years to come.



Children benefit from understanding that holding a grudge is an unhealthy habit that can cause them to grow up feeling bitter. Teaching children to move past things that have made them sad will fuel a healthier mindset.



Persistence is a tool that comes from parents teaching their children problem-solving skills. It ensures even when things go wrong and they are left feeling discouraged, they can pick themselves up and find the right solution.



Reciprocated emotion and demonstrated love and affection for others is today considered very important in front of your child. Children are naturally loving and affectionate, and when parents embrace this, the ability to share love stays forever.


How to instill today’s values

Your parents may not agree with the values you want to teach your children. According to the Raising Modern Australia report 76.2% of grandparents say they are surprised at how children are brought up these days,  but standing by your values will lay the foundations of what you consider is a good citizen. It’s up to you to decide how to protect them from potentially negative societal influences.

Teaching values takes time, a rare commodity for some parents trying to keep up with the financial demands that come with running a household in the 21st century. Without time from parents, children are becoming influenced by the Internet, television, movies, games and music, which are shaping their perspectives more than ever before.

So, what’s a parent to do?

Parents must understand although instilling morals takes time, it doesn’t have to be hard work when naturally applied in your family’s day-to-day life. Hold conversations whenever possible – in the car, walking down the street, saying goodnight – so that the topic of “values” becomes a “normal” part of your child’s life. If you don’t address these issues with your kids, society will fill in the void.

There are many ways to weave lessons about values into your everyday interactions with your children through their questions such as “what’s for dinner?” or “can Billy come over to play?”

“What’s for dinner?” can turn into an opportunity to talk about the origin of food and what it means to have easy access to it. “Can Billy come over to play” can be an opportunity to discuss sharing and generosity. Of course, the best and easiest way to teach your children good values is to model good values yourself. Children learn best by watching you in different situations, so set a good example, exhibit values such as honesty, self-respect and compassion; and part of your work is already done. If there’s discrepancy between what you say and what you do, your kids aren’t going to take on the values you seek.

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Unbelievable Facts about Food Expiration Dates Wed, 13 Jun 2018 00:42:36 +0000 Everybody needs food because it is their source of energy. Food is sold whether fast food or stored food which commonly comes with substances for lengthening its durability. Here, when food is supported by substance in its durability, there will surely be food expiration dates in the packs of the food. Some people who are ignorance sometimes will not really pay attention aver this thing. They just think that food which is still stored in its place and ready to be bought is still in good state. For some people, you should not ignore such thing when you buy food because there are some important facts that you need to know about the food that you buy.

Terms Commonly Shown In Food Expiration Dates

For the first discussion about these food expiration dates, you should keep in mind that various kinds of warning from the food expiration have different meaning too in the real world. Here, in the first place, you will have to understood about the term “sell by” term in the food expire dates. This is the statements that order the seller to display to product for some period of times. When the food has been displayed more than the period of time, it should be trashed and should not be displayed anymore in the store.

Then, the second term which is commonly made for food expiration dates is the “best if used by”. This indicates that the products will only give its best quality in certain period of times after the products are produced. When the products have surpassed the time for its best used, sometimes it is still allowed to use it or consume it but the company will not take any responsibility for the effects that happen to the user. So, it is best for you to use it when the best usage time is still involved in the dates itself.

Sometimes, besides “sell by” terms, you will sometimes find the “Use By” terms too that will show about quality of the products. This term of “use by” is used for showing that the end of the date which is mentioned is the date where the best quality of the products still can be acquired. After that date, the quality of the products seems to degrade and it will give you bad quality too in the products. These kinds of food expiration dates are more appropriate for usage as a few days after the date will still provide fine thing to be eaten.

Then, you will also find the terms “guaranteed fresh” in the food expiration dates. This term refers to the time when the things are still edible or not. When the date in this “guaranteed fresh” term is reached, you still are able to consume the stuff that you sell although its peak of quality has been passed and the nutrition and vitamins might have gone from the food that you are going into. These kinds of food expiring dates are often found in bread where it does not last for a long time.

“Born on” is also one of the terms for food expiration dates. This “born on” term will refer to the date in a beer. Some beer will surely have such dates because you have to know that beer can be resurrected. When beer is reborn, it will have a new date of expiration without the needs of producing new kinds of beer. Beer reborn, because the bacteria from the beer will be active again, when the radiant of light shine on it. The beer which is good commonly comes in black or green bottle when in the white bottle; it will have shorter expiration date as it can be exposed by sun easier.

You will also find the term “pack” date in certain product. Such food expiration dates will refer to the products which are commonly packaged or canned. The look of this kind of date is a bit tricky because sometimes, it will only show the years or the month and years itself. Such condition will surely come to the manufacturer itself and it will confuse you badly when the dates are incomplete.

The Right Terms of Expiration Date for Products

When you want to get the best quality over the food expiration dates, commonly, there are different kinds of terms which suit certain products. For the first, the milk and dairy products are commonly good when it is labeled with “sell by” term. That is the term that will provide the best quality of this dairy product. Then, for eggs, the length of its edibility is about 3 till 5 weeks but the finest state will remain in the first week after the eggs lied by the chicken.

You will also find some stored meat such as seafood and poultry. When you go with freezer, the food expiration dates will come for two till three days for the best quality of the products. Then, for the beef and ports, the length of period of its edibility is higher compared to seafood and poultry. Here, when those meats are stored, you will be able to eat it three till five days after the meat is taken from the cow itself. Sometimes you will also find some canned food that is stored in every store. Sometimes we find high acidic food and low acidic food. For the acidic food such as canned tomatoes, the length of food expiration time will last for about 18 months. Then, for the low acid, the length will be multiplied many times as it can be used for more than 3 years.

Tips for Getting the Best Food

Now, when you have known about dangerous food, now, I will suggest some fine tips for you in getting foods. First, you need to get the food just before the food expiration dates come. Those methods will surely bring you the best quality upon the food itself. Then, when you buy certain perishable food like meats or other products, you better put the products directly in the refrigerator when the products do not processed directly. The length of the durability will be more when the food is frozen.

Now, I think that you need to pay more attention against the food expiration dates. It is not about spending money on something bad but it is about keeping our health in the best state. It will be silly when you get sick because you consume the wrong food. Some expired foods can be really poisonous too that it can threaten our life. For that reason, let us be safe and consume the right food that we can get.

Description: food expiration dates are varied and each term conveys different meanings but you need to know how to overcome that expiration date so you will be able to get the best result.

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Burgers: the best 6 recipes for all appetites Tue, 05 Jun 2018 01:15:48 +0000 Two fresh, slightly toasted buns with a mouthwatering patty inside and all the fixins’, nothing says summer like a juicy, grilled burger.

Whether you love it loaded with meat and cheese, piled high with veggies, choose fish over anything else, or opt for something completely different, burgers are hard to beat, especially when they focus on local, fresh, and in-season toppings and ingredients.

Here are my top six burger recipes with the toppings you’ll need to make it rise above the rest. To serve, toast a couple of buns of your choice (from kaiser rolls to English muffins to ciabatta buns to the basic burger bun), and serve with slaws, salads, and an ice cold brew.

Bacon Cheddar Burgers

Cook 8 ounces of bacon until crisp, then coarsely chop it. Mix together 1 pound of ground beef, 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar, 2 tablespoons prepared horseradish, 1/2 teaspoon each salt and pepper, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, and the crumbled bacon. Grill to perfection. Serve with lettuce and tomato.

Honey Dijon Salmon Burgers

Mix together 1/2 cup Dijon mustard with 3 1/2 tablespoons of honey. Set aside. Put 1 1/2 pounds skinless shredded salmon in a bowl along with 2 tablespoons of the honey Dijon mixture, salt, pepper, 1/4 cup fresh chives, 1 teaspoon celery salt, 1 teaspoon paprika, 1/2 teaspoon chili powder, 1/4 teaspoon red pepper, 1 teaspoon lemon zest. Use your hands to form into four burgers. Chill in the fridge for about half hour, then grill to perfection. Serve with additional honey mustard, red onion, greens, and grilled zucchini.

Cilantro Lime Burgers with Fresh Guacamole

To make the guacamole, mash 2 avocados with the juice of half a lime, a minced jalapeno, a diced tomato, 1/4 cup minced red onion, 1 1/2 teaspoons of minced garlic, 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin; season to taste with salt, and set aside. Mix together 2 pounds lean ground beef with the other half of the lime juice, a tablespoon of minced garlic, 1 teaspoon chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, 1/2 cup diced red onion, and 1/2 cup chopped cilantro. Use your hands to form into four burgers, then grill to perfection. Serve with a slice of jack cheese and guacamole.

Vegan Chickpea Burgers

Pulse 2 (15 ounce) drained cans of chickpeas in a food processor with 1/2 cup parsley, 1/3 cup panko breadcrumbs, 2 teaspoons ground cumin, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons tahini, 2 tablespoons flaxmeal in a food processor. When it sticks together, use your hands to form into four burgers. Chill in the fridge for about half hour, then grill to perfection. Serve with bibb lettuce, tomato, and tahini thinned with lemon.

Herbed Goat Cheese-Stuffed Sirloin Burgers

Combine 1 1/2 ounds leaf ground sirloin, 1/3 cup each parsley, dill, and chives, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce and some salt and pepper. Use your hands to form into four mounds. Place 1 ounce of goat cheese into the center of each mound. Use your hands to form a burger around the cheese. Grill to perfection. Serve with red leaf lettuce, grilled onions, and a smear of sour cream.

Barbecue Onion Chicken Burgers

Combine 2 pounds of ground chicken, 2/3 cup grated romano cheese cheese, 3 cloves garlic, 3 tablespoons finely chopped rosemary, 1 tablespoon fennel seeds, 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper,  1/4 teaspoon salt, and a few twists of black pepper in a large bowl. Use your hands to form into four burgers. Set aside. For the BBQ sauce, heat 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil in a pan. Add 1/4 pound lean bacon, and cook until crisp. Add 2 chopped red onions, cooked until browned. Stir in 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar, 3 tablespoons maple syrup, 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce and 1/4 cup orange juice. Cook and stir occasionally until thick, about 8 minutes, adding a splash of water if needed. Grill the burgers to perfection. Serve with fresh greens, the onions, and a smear of yellow mustard.

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Friday Giveaway Round-Up – June 1st Fri, 01 Jun 2018 00:11:50 +0000 Time for another Friday giveaway round up!

Sorry it has been a while since the last one, it has been a bit of a hectic month and I haven’t been able to blog that much, hopefully you all forgive me.

As always many of these giveaways are US only or can only be redeemed instore.

If you have any cool giveaways for next weeks round up comment below or send them through to my email: [email protected]

  1. Loreal Pure Sugar Scrub – Free sample for signing up
  2. $10 Kohl’s Reward – When you download and sign into their app
  3. New Fragrance from Mugler “Listen to Your Instinct” – Submit your details for a free sample
  4. MoCafe Charcoal Mocha – Submit your Details for a free sample
  5. Free Universal Stantard women’s Shirt – This one looks limited so get in quick!
  6. Teachers eat free at Red Robin June 5
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Dressing For A Special Occasion Without Breaking The Bank Thu, 24 May 2018 01:50:45 +0000 When you have a special occasion coming up, whether it’s a ball, a birthday, a wedding, an engagement party or a fancy dinner, one of the first things we tend to think is: ‘what am I going to wear?!’ We all want to look and feel great for a big event but we don’t want it to come at an exorbitant price. After all, those preparation costs can add up quickly! Luckily, there are lots of ways you can look amazing for a special occasion while still sticking to a budget. Here’s how you can turn heads at your next event without breaking the bank.


Go Thrift Shopping

One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure and this is certainly true when it comes to clothes! One way to find a unique outfit at a low price is to search out a pre-loved one in a thrift shop or charity store. Setting aside some time to have a proper hunt through second-hand stores can have great results and you can end up finding a one-of-a-kind piece that costs a fraction of what you would pay if you bought it full-price. While thrift shopping can take patience, dedication and a good eye for quality, it can be a fun expedition, especially if you enlist a few friends or family members. A great thrift shopping tip is to check out stores in an affluent or fashionable area where there is more of a chance of there being higher quality donations. You can also do some research online and check out some forums to see if anyone has recommendations about where and when to shop.


Rent Something Spectacular

A great, and affordable, option when it comes to picking an outfit for a special occasion is to rent one, rather than buy a dress that will just gather dust in your wardrobe after the event. Using a dress rental service, like The Volte, allows you to hire high-end, designer pieces that you might not otherwise be able to afford so you can totally look like you’re on the red carpet for a night. By renting a dress, there are a lot more options of brands and designers available to you and it also gives you the chance to step outside your comfort zone and try styles you might otherwise avoid. If it doesn’t quite work out, you won’t regret having purchased a really expensive dress you’ll never wear again.


Check Out Your Own Closet

Sometimes when we find out we have a big event or special occasion coming up, we think that we have to buy something new to wear when there might actually be a great outfit sitting right there in your wardrobe. Doing a quick wardrobe audit and shuffling some clothes around could result in you finding an amazing outfit that you had forgotten about. As well as this, you might find a great dress or item of clothing that just needs repairing or some slight adjustments. If this is the case, finding a good tailor and fixing the problem, rather than splurging on a whole new outfit, isn’t just better for you wallet, it’s also better for the planet!


Keep Your Eyes On The Sales

Since we live in the digital age, it is easier than ever to stay up-to-date with what stores are having sales. If you have an important event coming up and you’re looking for an outfit, make sure to keep your eye out for any big sales, online discounts, outlets nearby or warehouse sales happening. You can also subscribe to newsletters and email alerts, like Facebook pages and do regular research to find out where you can make the best savings. Knowing how to be a smart sales shopper can help you spend a lot less on high-quality clothes. Being prepared for big events in advance also makes a difference if you buy something as soon as you see it’s on sale.


Organise A Clothes Swap

Do you have a super fashionable friend or family member? Is your whole circle of friends looking for some new outfits? A clothes swap can be a great way of exchanging clothes and finding new outfits while getting rid of some of your clothes that you no longer wear. You can host a swapping party where everyone brings clothes they no longer want that are still in wearable condition. Set a few ground rules, like a minimum and a maximum number of items each person should bring, prepare some snack and start swapping! You might find the dress you’ve been looking for amongst the pile of clothes.

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Cupcake Train Cake – DIY Birthday Celebration! Thu, 10 May 2018 00:04:41 +0000 Little boys love trains.

If you have a little one’s birthday coming up and looking for fun cake ideas this is a great easy option that will see their faces light up. Making cupcakes is easy, you can decorate them with goodies and, especially with really little ones, cupcakes do away with the need for having have sharp knives around.

Cupcake Train Cake- DIY Birthday Celebration

Image source: Brisbane Kids


  • Marshmallows (4 for each train car) – used for wheel base
  • Graham Crackers (1 for each train car) – used as the body of the train car
  • Toothpicks (2 for each train car) – used for the wheel base
  • Oreos (4 for each train car) – used for the wheels
  • Icing – used as the glue to hold the wheels to the wheel base
  • Cupcakes (2 for each train car)


  1. To make the wheel bases of the “train car,” use a toothpick to hold together 2 marshmallows by inserting the toothpick into the center of one marshmallow and then stacking the second marshmallow on top.
  2. Repeat step 1 so that you have 2 wheel bases.
  3. Place a graham cracker on top the marshmallow wheel bases so that the marshmallows support the front and the back of the graham cracker.
  4. Using the icing as a glue, place some icing on one side of an Oreo cookie and then attach the Oreo to one of the marshmallows.
  5. Repeat step 4 so that each marshmallow has an Oreo attached.
  6. Place 2 cupcakes on the graham cracker to compete the train car.
  7. Repeat steps 1-6 to make as many train cars as you want.
  8. Add a toy engine car.
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Friday Giveaway Round-Up – May 4th Thu, 03 May 2018 11:52:45 +0000  

Some of these offers are only valid in the United States or specific states.

  1. Free Loaf of Sola Bread – Get coupon here
  2. Free Sola Ice Cream – Get coupon to redeem instore
  3. Free Rangefinder magazine subscription – for photographers and creative professionals
  4. Free Comic Book on May 5th – In store promotion only
  5. Free packet of spinach seeds – Tasty Bite
  6. Free original Original Make Up sample  – Make Up Eraser
  7. Free Olay Whip sample – delivery in the US
  8. Free cone day at Haagen Dazs – participating shops between 4-8pm
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20 Delicious Peanut Recipes Wed, 02 May 2018 10:29:18 +0000 Here are 20 scrumptious recipes that all revolve around one great thing…Peanuts! These recipes will prove to you just how versatile the peanut can be.Peanuts can do savory, sweet, and everything in between. They can even do savory and sweet at the same time!

You are sure to find something you’ll love in this sampling of great peanut recipes.


Serious Eats –1. Spicy Peanut Sauce

This spicy peanut sauce is great as a dipping sauce or can be thinned for use as a topping on rice or noodle dishes. Tons of flavor and much less preservatives than store bought varieties. Great when paired with pork and further proof that the peanut can do so many delicious things!

2. Beyond Frosting – Peanut Butter Cake Bars

Cake bars are a great alternative to a traditional cake, cookie, or brownie. This particular recipe features the peanut doing something sweet and scrumptious. Jif Whips give this cake bar a dash of peanutty goodness!

3. Sweet As a Cookie- Choolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars

These no bake chocolate peanut butter oatmeal bars feature the peanut next to its best friend…Chocolate! For all you peanut lovers out there who also love a quick and easy recipe this one is for you! They take a maximum of 10 minutes to whip up , then just chill them and you are ready to go.

4. Lil Luna – No Bake Peanut Butter Pretzel Bars

Next up we have another no bake option. These salty and sweet peanut butter pretzel bars are great for any potluck and disappear like magic at picnics! They are chewy, just the right amount of salty and sweet, and the pretzel adds a bit of crunch. Try these for your next bake sale or party for a delicious and out of the ordinary treat.

5. Averie Cooks –Choolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars

For a gluten and dairy free option check out these delicious, melt in your mouth, flour less peanut butter cookies. One bowl, four ingredients, and a spoon is all that it takes to whip up these yummy cookies. Be careful not to over bake as these are meant to stay on the soft side!

6. Cookies and Cups – Outrageous Peanut Butter Candy Bars

These outrageous peanut butter candy bars are not for the faint of heart. Serious peanut lovers only! They have peanut butter, peanut butter cups, butterfinger candies, peanut butter chips, and a peanut butter topping; covering every and all corners of the peanut butter spectrum in one delicious square.

7. Sprinkle Bakes – Triple Decker Maple Peanut Butter Pretzel Fudge

Perhaps you are looking to see the peanut in one of its most common fall forms: fudge. Here is a great fudge recipe that changes it all. There is a multitude of textures and the pretzel bits take the edge off of the overly sweet taste of traditional fudge.

8. How Sweet It Is – Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard With No Churn Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Here we have a homemade blizzard recipe that even includes a no churn vanilla bean ice cream recipe! This recipe will have you staying home, skipping the dairy queen drive though, lying awake at night thinking about how delicious it is, etc. Generous chunks of peanut butter chocolate chip cookie dough laced throughout a delightfully simple ice cream recipe, what could be better?

9. Sugar Hero – Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream

Maybe you’d prefer a regular old peanut butter ice cream, or perhaps one with fudge, peanut butter cups, and peanut butter sauce…either way this recipe is for you! It can be made with or without all the mix-ins making it a perfect recipe to have on hand no matter what kind of mood you are in.

10. Yesterfood – Rosalynn Carter’s Peanut Butter Pie

In perhaps one of the greatest creations known to man, our dear friend the peanut makes his next appearance. Peanut butter pie! This particular recipe features a smooth, scrumptious, custardy filling that is somewhat similar to fudge. Yesterfood features a bit of history with each recipe and this particular one is about peanut farming (how perfect for our purposes)!

11. The Gardening Cook – Healthy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

It seems possible to gain weight just looking at all of these delicious peanut recipes. This next one however has no fat and minimal sugar so go ahead and snack away! Healthy peanut butter oatmeal cookies can be enjoyed without taking away from the great benefits of peanuts and oatmeal, even when they’re combined for a cookie recipe!

12. Snappy Gourmet – Peanut Butter “Mousse” & Strawberry Parfaits

Next we have peanut butter for breakfast in this delicious yet light Peanut Butter Mousse & Strawberry Parfait! These are great for a snack or breakfast and with just 185 calories they won’t blow your diet. Substitute your favorite fruit for the strawberries and make this yummy creation even more perfect!

13. Dishin and Dishes – Lettuce Roll Ups with Peanut Sauce

Healthy doesn’t have to mean flavorless. This great lettuce roll ups recipe featuring a peanut sauce packs tons of flavors, not calories. You can make these for any occasion but they look great and would be a perfect addition to any party spread.

14. Amanda’s Cookin – Homemade Peanut Brittle

If you are new to making peanut brittle this is a great recipe for you! It’s super easy, has tons of great photos, and with the holidays right around the corner it’s a great time to be making homemade treats! Who wouldn’t love to receive this delicious, homemade snack?

15. Pinch of Yum – Big Cluster Peanut Butter Granola

How about an easy to make peanut butter granola that you can pair with fruit, yogurt, ice cream, or grab a handful of just to snack? Great! Here’s the perfect one! Big crunchy yet chewy granola clusters that you can use in a variety of ways, if they last long enough to be snuck into other recipes I’m sure they’ll be delicious there too!

16. Sugar Hero – Peanut Butter Dessert Sauce

Here we have a great peanut butter dessert sauce. This delectable sauce would be a fantastic addition to all of our peanut butter dessert recipes but especially the ice creams! This sauce can be used as a topping, mix in, or as a secret weapon for that next brownie recipe! There is just so much peanut buttery goodness in one fast, simple, sauce.

17. The Gardening Cook – Peanut Chicken Pasta with Fresh Vegetables

Weeknight meals can be stressful. How to come up with something fresh, delicious, and tasty that won’t take a ton of time to create; this problem plagues us all at one time or another. This peanut chicken pasta with fresh veggies is a great option. The sauce is made with a mix, saving you time, but still providing tons of flavor, and the fresh vegetables more than make up for the sauce short cut!

18. Snappy Gourmet – Asian Peanut Spaghetti Squash Stir-Fry

Spaghetti Squash is one of the easiest vegetables to substitute for noodles. It cooks into noodle shaped pieces all on its own, no peeling or slicing required. This recipe is great if you are looking for a new way to cook and eat spaghetti squash. Stir fry with an Asian peanut sauce, chicken, and spaghetti squash, I’m hungry just looking at it!

19. Dishin and Dishes – Pad Thai

It can be really fun to try and make your favorite foreign dishes at home! Here is a great Pad Thai recipe that keeps it very authentic. Don’t be scared, it’s not overly difficult, and there are plenty of photos and instructions so that you too can make a delicious pad Thai at home tonight!

20. Amanda’s Cookin – Nutella Filled Peanut Butter Criss Crosses

Ending on a delicious, Nutella filled peanut butter cookie just felt right. These delicious cookies pack double the yum in one cookie. They’re a melt in your mouth peanut butter cookie on the outside and they have an ooey gooey chocolaty hazelnut filling that will blow you away!

Thank you to the amazing bloggers that have contributed to our 20 Delicious Peanut Recipes. Many Thanks!

I hope you’ve been able to find some great recipes here that you and your families will enjoy! With so many great savory and sweet options there is sure to be something for everyone to enjoy. Which ones did you try? Did you discover any new favorites?

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